Vitamin C

Animals produce their own vitamin C

Almost all animals have the ability to produce their own vitamin C, because they have enzymes that enable them to convert glucose into the liver into vitamin C. In case of stress or illness, their vitamin C production increases three-fold. Only humans, guinea pigs and a few other animal species lack this enzyme and need to get vitamin C through diet.

If one were to put human size and weight in proportion to what the animals produce, we would need 2000 mg - 13,000 mg/day.

Why the daily recommendation for vitamin C is 75 mg / day?

The Swedish Food Agency's recommendations for vitamin C are set to avoid scurvy. It is a disease that many people died of in the past, eg. sailors who spent months at sea without fresh fruits or vegetables. Vitamin C deficiency in its most serious form - scurvy - leads untreated to death, and is today considered uncommon in the western world.

However, reports are coming from Australia on scurvy outbreak. "Flinders University research released on Thursday confirmed an “alarming” number of vitamin C deficiencies in hospital patients, which was consistent with reports of scurvy outbreaks in the region. Almost half of the 149 study participants – patients who were admitted to Flinders Medical Centre in 2017 – had a severe vitamin C deficiency. More than three quarters of these patients had a mild to moderate deficiency, according to the study".

Lecture on vitamin C by Dr Suzanne Humphries, specialist in internal medicine and kidney disease 

Since it is a 2 hour long lecture and some parts are very detailed for you who do not have background or interest in biology and chemistry, it may be advisable to listen to some of these parts

0.03- 0.10 min; Myths about vitamin C, level of vitamin C in animals

0.10-0.17 min; levels of vitamin C in healthy and sick people, Dr Klenner, Allergies and histamine

0.17 -0.21 min; Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease  

0.51 -0.54 min; Suzanne Humpries discovered kidney damage following swine flu vaccination 

0.57- 1.05 min; Sepsis, ebola

1.05-1.08 min; study of tetanus in Bangladesh

1.08-1.10 min vitamin C in fruit and vegetables 

1.26- 1.30 min; Recommendations dose vitamin C 

1.34-1.38 min; Saftey - vitamin C compared to pharmaceutical drugs, vitamin C place on LD´50s (a measure of how toxic a substance is)

Is vitamin C deficiency linked to cardiovascular disease?

Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common cause of death, and appears to be associated with vitamin C deficiency.  Dr. Suzanne Humphries above talks about this, and the vitamin C researcher Matthias Rath wrote the book "Why animals don't get heart attacks but people do".

Also cardiologist Thomas Levy has written "Stop America's number #1 killer" where he states that Coronary Heart Disease start with the depletion of arterial vitamin C levels (arterial scurvy) and also offers a protocol for preventing and reversing the arterial blockages that cause heart attacks.

He points out that vitamin C is an absolutely vital dietary supplement. He says that you normally need 2000 -4000 mg of vitamin C a day. But those with root canals or chronic illnesses need a lot more.

In a Chinese study published in 2018, which lasted for 16 years, 948 people aged 53 to 84 were followed. By the end of the study, half had died, most of them with cardiovascular disease and cancer. It was found that those who had lower levels of vitamin C in the blood plasma (lower than 28 micromoles / liter) also had a 28% higher risk of dying than the group with higher levels.


In a 2015 Danish study, those with the highest intake of vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables had a 15% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. As well as a 20% lower risk of a previous death compared to those who very rarely eat fruits and vegetables. At the same time, the researchers found that the reduced risks were related to precisely the vitamin C concentrations in the blood.

High doses of vitamin C successfully in severe diseases

Not many people know it, but as early as 1948, Dr. Klenner cured 60 out of 60 patients with polio, through vitamin C therapy, so that everyone got completely healthy within 5 days (!). Heart specialist Levy goes so far as to maintain that vitamin C has killed all the viruses tested so far and often also helps against bacteria. He says that vitamin C successfully cured malaria, polio, dysentery, acute hepatitis, zika virus and sepsis.

In addition, vitamin C in high doses contributes to the detoxification of, for example, mercury, pesticides, fungal toxins and much more. Which can also increase the chance of being healthy. Antibiotics have their place, but only after vitamin C has been tested, he says. If the healing process is slow, antibiotics can be given simultaneously with vitamin C to speed up the process.

See the first 7 minutes of The Truth About Vitamin C - Dr. Thomas E. Levy

Many hospitalized Corona patients have sepsis

Chinese researchers have studied seriously ill patients enrolled in two different hospitals in Wuhan Province in January. The study is published in the British medical journal The Lancet. Almost 70 percent of patients who died had other medical problems even before the illness. It was also found that Sepsis was very common and patients who showed signs of sepsis when they were admitted to the hospital were at greater risk of dying. Of the study's 191 patients with corona infection, 59% had sepsis, and of the 54 patients who died, all had sepsis.

What is sepsis?

Sepsis is one of the most unknown disease, but in Sweden 40,000 people are affected each year and 20% of them die. More die in sepsis than bowel, breast and prostate cancer together. The condition sepsis (formerly called blood poisoning) occurs when a severe infection spreads throughout the body. The infection does not have to come from a wound infection, but is often the result of, for example, flu, throat flux, pneumonia or urinary tract infection. Severe sepsis is the ten most common cause of death in the world. A patient with sepsis is five times more likely to die than a patient with stroke or heart attack. When the Spanish disease ravaged in 1918, 500 million people were infected and 50-100 million died of sepsis.


But Vitamin C can cure sepsis!

The doctor below tells us about his successful experience in treating sepsis with vitamin C. Dr. Paul Marik urges other hospitals to test the same treatment and protocol, and emphasizes the importance of early treatment for a positive outcome. He welcomes more studies that follow the same approach. Vitamin C treatment works, says Dr. Marik, and no randomized trial is needed to prove it. Just as there is no need for a control group, when people jump out of aircraft, to test whether parachutes really work ...

  Full interview with Dr. Paul Marik                      

  ICU nurses discuss vitamin C therapy for sepsis

Hospitals treat patients with vitamin C intravenously

New Zealand, 2017 - Swine flu

A man from New Zealand suffers from swine flu and needs to be put into a respirator. He is in coma and his lungs are filled with fluid, moreover they discover that he has leukemia. The doctors at the hospital want to turn off the life-sustaining machines because they assess his chances of recovering as non-existent. The family does not accept the message but wants intravenous vitamin C to be tested. After much opposition, they get through their proposal. It turns out to be the rescue of the man, who is recovering both from the Swine Flu ,,, and from leukemia!

South Korea, 2017 - Pneumonia

Intensive care patients with severe pneumonia were treated intravenously based on the combination of vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and thiamine. Mortality dropped in the treated group, and the treatment did not increase acute kidney damage or superinfection. The study was published in 2018.

Shanghai, Kina 2020  - Covid-19

Shanghai, China 2020 - Covid-19 On March 3, the Shanghai government decided that patients with COVID-19 should be treated with high doses of intravenous vitamin C. The dose varies depending on the severity of the patient, from 50 mg to 200 mg / kg body weight per day. It is equivalent to 4000 to 16,000 mg for an adult with IV treatment.

Can early and high intravenous dose of vitamin C prevent and treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Richard Z.Cheng

Dr. Richard Cheng on treating COVID-19 patients in Shanghai

New York, 2020 - Covid-19

New York hospitals announce that corona patients treated with vitamin C do better than those who have not. Dr. Andrew Weber gives his intensive care patients 1500 mg intravenously, several times a day. He also says that vitamin C levels fall dramatically for patients suffering from sepsis. Dr. Weber believes it is of the utmost importance to try to maintain adequate vitamin C levels.

Italy, 2020 - Covid-19

The University of Palermo has recently begun a study that is expected to last until March 2021. Intravenous vitamin C will be administered together with conventional therapy to treat Covid-19 patients with pneumonia. There has been a sharp increase in severe cases of pneumonia in infected people, with sepsis as a result and usually with fatal outcome. The decision to test vitamin C came after a number of recent studies showing reduced mortality in patients admitted for sepsis. Patients had been treated with intravenous vitamin C and thiamine.

What can you do yourself to reduce the risk of getting seriously ill?

Dr Cheng

in case you get a cold / flu of some kind

What dosage should you take?

It may be confusing that the dose of vitamin C is sometimes reported in g and other times in mg. I have chosen to use mg in the text since the Swedish National Food Administration's daily dose is 75 mg. But as we know, 1000 mg = 1 g.

As stated by the various experts, anything from 500 mg to 10,000 mg per day is recommended. The dose is individual, both depending on body size / weight and if you have chronic diseases, root fillings. Other factors that affect are how much vitamin C you already eat in your diet, stress etc.

Vitamin C as an extra dietary supplement of 1000 mg - 3000 mg / day is usually tolerated by most. To start on a low dose and feel how you are doing is always a good approach, no matter what you test. With Vitamin C it is easy to try out because it is water soluble and one of the least toxic nutrients. When you get diarrhea you have exceeded the need for vitamin C and should reduce the dosage. Nausea, burping, heartburn and increased gas formation are other side effects of excessive intake.

In case of ongoing illness eg flu, higher doses, double dose or more are needed. This is why Dr. Cheng's COVID-19 patients (video above) can take as much as 30,000 -70,000mg without getting diarrhea. But it is thus for seriously ill people under the doctor's advice and no normal dose.

Have a look at Dr. Suzanne Humphries video where lethal dose for various medications and vitamin C is reported. Compared to paracetamol, the safety of vitamin C is very high. A lethal dose of vitamin C for a person weighing 65 kg is 755,000 mg / day, ie almost one kilogram (755 g).

What else to think about?

  • For the best vitamin C intake, the daily dose should not only be taken at one time, but preferably distributed at 2-4 times / day. Tex in conjunction with meals.
  • Avoid effervescent tablets, which may damage the kidneys, and contain sweeteners, dyes, flavorings, citric acid and more. Choose pure products with few ingredients (please check the table of contents before you buy)
  • Vitamin C should preferably be combined with bioflavonides as they always occur together naturally
  • Choose vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin C such as paprika, kiwi ect.
  • Sugar competes with vitamin C so best is not to take too much at once (if at all)
  • Avoid calcium ascorbate! Ie do NOT buy EsterC (Both Suzanne Humphries and Thomas Levy address the problem of calcium in their lectures)
  • Magnesium ascorbate is easy for the body to absorb, is alkaline and is often well tolerated by people with sensitive stomachs. 

What are the early symptoms of vitamin C deficiency?

  • bleeding gums, gingivitis, tooth loss
  • easy to bleed nose blood and to get bruises
  • superficial vascular ruptures / varicose veins
  • poor wound healing
  • sinus infections
  • dry skin
  • colds and other infections
  • tiredness
  • Bad mood
  • depression / anxiety

Vitamin C deficiency affects mood

A study conducted on 42 high school students evaluated the effect of vitamin C on anxiety. Both level of anxiety as well as the levels of vitamin C in the blood was individually tested. The study was a double-blind study with a control group. The students were given either placebo or 500 mg vitamin C / day for two weeks. The result was that students that got vitamin C felt less anxiety and had higher levels of vitamin C concentrations in the blood.

Effects of Oral Vitamin C Supplementation on Anxiety in Students: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial.

de Oliveira IJde Souza VVMotta VDa-Silva SL.

Role of antioxidants in generalised anxiety disorder and depression.

Dr. Peter Osborne, chiropractor and nutronist (functional medicine) explains that vitamin C is needed for the body to produce enough dopamine and serotonin and that vitamin C deficiency can cause depression. (2-5 min).

More published research on vitamin C

There are more than 64,000 published articles and studies on vitamin C available

U.S National Library of Medicine National Center for Biotechnology Information

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service also has a great link collection to current research and articles:

Published Research and Articles on Vitamin C as a Consideration for Pneumonia, Lung Infections, and the Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19)